Christadelphian Church [Chesterfield | Feasibility]
DesignXY Ltd provides feasibility services as architect, considering options for the redevelopment of the Christadelphian Church Site, in Chesterfield, Derbyshire.
A feasibility study, assisting this small church group to assess the potential of their existing site for redevelopment.
Invited to engage in a competitive tender and interview process for the initial stages of the project, DesignXY were successful in being selected by the Church to assess potential options for development, within the boundaries of a building fund that had been bequeathed to the church for this purpose.
Recognising that even the initial investigations would expend some of the building development fund, it was agreed to rule out the raft of costly intrusive tests that would be required to identify potentially unknown refurbishment costs, associated with the existing site and building fabric. Instead, it was agreed to investigate options to demolish the existing building and replace it with a new building, meeting the current and anticipated requirements of the current congregation.
A concept sketch, drawn early in the Feasibility process.
One option presented to the client for consideration, is remarkably similar to the initial concept sketch, requiring little further development to the external form.
The worship space benefits from access to the servery area, in the corner.
DXY produced several options, seeking to address the requirements of space, privacy, noise control, flexibility, while seeking to remain open and inviting to potential new members.
The primary question at the outset had been whether such a project would be economically viable for the Church. The feasibility study, coupled with a budget cost plan produced by a local Cost Consultancy practice, demonstrated the scope of what would be possible in terms of accommodation on the site, as well as the likely associated costs.
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